Wednesday, June 2, 2010


My vision yesterday during meditation was extremely powerful and it was just a simple shape, but the implications of the shape were really mind blowing. We had been discussing the human DNA strand and that it is comprised of hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and carbon. Three parts gas to represent the formless part of self, the higher self or source, and one part carbon given from the earth to give us form. I found the idea fascinating and it resonated with such profound truth that I found it was the focal point of my meditation without my intention.

We began doing a very interesting and soothing breathing exercise that started to warm me up substantially right away. The room was already warm, so it didn't take long before this became another "sauna" meditation, complete with sweat and everything. We did a breathing exercise from the crown down the front and back up the back in and out of each chakra with three revolutions total. As I got into the third revolution of breathing, it started to cool off as I began to be less and less aware of my physical body. As we finished the last revolution, we began breathing in through the crown and out through the root, back and forth seven times. When we began this, I began to see a geometric shape. I saw a pyramid with three spheres on the bottom connected to one sphere at the top. They were all connected to a glowing white sphere that sat perfectly in the middle. I sat and looked at this beautiful shape for quite a while, just marveling at it. I really had no idea it's relevance at first, only that it resonated very deep within me that his object was important in some way.

As it started to spin and move in front of me, I examined it further. I realized that the four spheres on the outside of the pyramid represented he four elements we were discussing. The one at the top was red-carbon, and at the bottom were blue-hydrogen, green-nitrogen and white-oxygen. I realized the glowing white sphere in the middle was a fifth element. A new addition to our DNA structure.

When or meditation was done, we all went outside to cool off and I told Bart about the vision I had had. He chuckled and said, "The fifth element is love." I sent him the image I had seen as I told him about it and it sparked a pleasantly unexpected outdoor standing meditation. We were shown the tree of life with it's glowing fruit and ate from it. It was great to finally do a guided standing meditation.

Last week I had another great vision. We were doing breathing to expand our awareness and I found myself viewing 7 galaxies in front of me in a descending spiral staircase formation. Bart was naming off different colors and as he did, I saw stars light up in those galaxies that matched the color he mentioned. When he got to white, everything lit up with white fire. It was amazing. What made it even better was that this was all during an open eye meditation.

We spent a lot of time talking about standing and open-eye meditations yesterday. It's interesting that some of my best meditations have been either open eye or standing or both. And interestingly enough, meditating in the shower has given me some of my most vivid and profound experiences. My first nervi kalpi samadhi experience that I had without someone facilitating it was in the shower. I asked what it felt like to go all the way out while standing and I was shown. What was to follow was a life changing experience. I was allowed to feel and understand christ's consciousness.

What I felt defies words, but I'll do my best. It was only 15-20 secs in our time that I was gone, but what I experienced was a remembering of Jesus' entire ministry, or at least many key points. The energy felt like a giant lightning rod going through the center of me from top to bottom. This energy pulsed trough me and I was finding it hard not to gasp and laugh. I saw and felt his presence, I experienced him speaking to huge crowds of people and manifesting food and healing sick and raising dead. There were also scenes of him praying and talking to his desciples. I felt the connection he had to god, to source, to al that is. It was beautiful. I started to observe the experience further and I realized that he was speaking telepathically to these people. It didn't matter how far away they were or what language they spoke, thousands of people could hear and understand him simultaneously. It was a very cool revelation to me to know that Jesus Christ used telepathy on a huge scale when he communicated to people.

Tonight was pretty amazing, we worked directly on telepatic communication. My blog got erased earlier before I had to leave for meditation and I wasn't sure of why. Of course now it occurs to me that the part that was deleted was all about telepathy. Well last week our homework was to think of something we'd like to do or experience and I said I'd love to work on telepathy. Tonight being the advanced class, it's not much of a wonder that everyone was all for that experience. We began working on receiving. He held his hand in the air and asked us what color we saw. What I saw started out colorless, then went to a white, then it began to turn blue and slowly change to indigo. Basically what happened is, Bart initially projected a white-yellow sphere of light, but as we looked at it, our collective took over and we began to change it to a blue color. Richard told us he wanted very much to see blue and that perhaps he was projecting it, which made perfect sense to me.

That established that we were all receivers, so now the question was, were we able to send as well? Then we began to discuss the nature of telepathy and how to send information. We got to talking about how we are able to talk to angels and how that is the most pure form of telepatic communication. We also talked about how a persons openness and willingness to participate and believe in it will dictate their ability to experience it.

Then we got on the subject of different kinds of spiritual entities and Wanda shared with us that she would see this apparition in her friend's house while she was staying there. She kept sending light out but it kept coming back and she wondered why. I told her that it was an impression and not really an intelligent haunting. Bart looked at her and asked if she knew what I meant and she said no. He began to explain to her that it was not something that was of thought form, it was more like a thermal image. That's why when you bring white light to a house, it will dissipate the image by raising the auric frequncy of the area. Ellen said she was still having trouble understanding and I jumped in and told her that it was like amprint on reality. I told her there's some sort of emotional attachment that these people had to this specific place and they seem to be stuck there on a loop. That's typically why those types of apparitions are seen exclusively in one area of a house or one room of a building, or even the whole structure. Their energetic attraction to that place bound a part of their energy there. They dont respond or stray from their set pattern.

I got a little carried away and forgot that Ellen presented me with a language barrier, so Bart stepped in to give her a slower version. Then we spoke of negative entities with attachment and demons and how to overcome those sorts of obstacles. Bart talked about how it must be that persons will that they receive help with the entity or spirit before anything could be done. Richard then asked if there were a way to do the opposite of sharing thoughts, a way to keep someone out. Bart told him the best method is to think of something other than what you wanted the other person to know. Then I blurted out, "He's talking about a psi field" and Bart just got this massive grin on his face and and nodded, but never really said anything. He continued to answer questions and I sent him "What about the psi field" and out loud he replied "I'm not going into that, we dont have the time." I just laughed and said ok.

It's late so I'll be going to sleep now. Much more on telepathic communication to come in the future, you can count on it.

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