All of my guides came to me yesterday and told me there was one more place they wanted me to go. When I asked where they wanted me to go, they said "inside". I wasn't quite sure what this meant, so I asked for clarification. I clearly heard the word "share". It was Gabriel asking me to share my story, my leap of faith. Then I started to hear a chorus of voices all asking me to please share my story, that it was the last thing required before a great manifestation could take place. So, here it goes. This is an account of my leap of faith up until this point.
It was March 30th. I was sitting at my desk in my office at about 10am. Nothing exceptional or different about this day. I was in front of my computer plugging away at some work when I felt myself being drawn away into a meditation. It came on suddenly, but it wasn't startling. Just a smooth tug on my mind from somewhere outside myself. I sat back a little in my chair and closed my eyes and immediately found myself in anther realm.
In the place I found myself, there was only a white mist everywhere, almost a fog. There were no discernible shapes or objects, just white. I saw standing in front of me was the Archangel Gabriel. He was holding a chest in his hands and wearing a slight smile on his face. He stepped forward and asked me, "What are your intentions?"
I replied, "I wish to help remove barriers and relieve burdens from the people around me so that they can have a clearer path to reaching their higher selves and their higher potential. My intention is to be of service in whatever way possible."
His smile grew wider and he handed the chest to me. "You've done very well", he said, "we are happy with you. You are now free to quit your job at any time. We promise you that in doing this, you will be taken care of. You will receive an overabundance that will flow in and through you so that you can be of service to us and to those around you. Be strong and know that you are being protected and cared for every step of the way. Go ahead and open it."
I opened the chest and I felt myself bathed by this warm, peaceful golden light. As the light began to fill my vision, I opened my eyes at my desk and I saw a number. I felt a number, I knew it with every fibre of my being. 11,268,543. I simply sat for a moment considering this number. Finally, I asked Gabriel, "What is the meaning of this number?"
He replied with, "Put a dollar sign in front of it and tell me what it means to you."
I was speechless for a few moments. Did an archangel just tell me that if I had faith in his words and quit my job, that I would be blessed with an overabundance of 11 million dollars? I finally said, "It means that's a whole lot of money to help a whole lot of people."
"Precisely" he said. "That is all the money you will require to affect change in all the ways that we have agreed upon. We have much for you to learn in a short period of time and this is the best way to facilitate your growth so that you might be the most efficient instrument of change that you can be. Don't fear this opportunity, for though it seems strange to the world, it will create an amazing shift in ways that you cannot yet imagine and will open doors all around you. Be strong and know that we are with you always."
At this point, I had to put my hand over my mouth because I had started to laugh and giggle uncontrollably. I just couldn't help it, I felt a buzzing all around me and I could still hear his words echoing in my ears. I had to tell someone what just happened to me, I had to tell someone about this spectacular vision and opportunity I just saw. I quickly wrote up an email to Melanie and let her know what I just experienced. I also texted Bart and Nicki to share what I saw.
The next few weeks were difficult. I told Mel about the vision and she thought it was great, but she really put no stock into the possibility of it. She felt very uneasy when I told her that I wanted to fulfill this leap of faith sooner rather than later. I mean, it wasn't but a few days after the vision that I started to feel angels pulling me around my cubicle to gather my personal belongings so that I could leave. There was a very strong sense of urgency that I was feeling from the angels. It seemed that time was of the essence and it would be in the highest good for this to happen soon.
I was concerned about Melanie's reaction to what I had seen and what I was feeling. She had never done anything in her life based on faith alone and something of this magnitude scared the hell out of her. She wasn't ready for it to happen right away, she needed some time to talk about it and pray and meditate on it so she could hear and feel for herself that this was the right thing. I asked the angels to hold back the urging until Melanie was comfortable with the situation. I didn't want to push her into anything and I wanted her to accompany me on this journey.
Eventually she received signs and confirmations that this was a righteous path and we agreed that I would give my notice for April 15th. It was a date that just popped into my head during one of our conversations and I knew it was divine timing. When it came time for me to give my notice, I wasn't quite sure how to go about it. I looked up for guidance and Gabriel told me to tell my supervisor everything that has happened so far, sparing no details. "She will understand your motives", he told me. "Tell her everything we've told you and exactly your reason for leaving."
And so I did. I wrote my supervisor an email, telling her that I had been given a vision by Archangel Gabriel and that I felt I must act upon it in order to be faithful and bring about change. I wasn't quite sure what her reaction to it would be, but I knew that if Gabriel told me it was the right thing to do, then it was the right thing to do. And of course he was right. My supervisor came over to me very calmly and asked me if I was sure and told me that she didn't want me to go. I told her I was sure and it's something I must do. She told me that she understood and asked if I knew anyone for the position that could fill it on such short notice. Within a day, we found someone for the position and I had her trained and ready to go on my last day there. The timing was perfect.
Then came the real journey. Just stepping outside of the typical daily structure was a huge change at first. It was almost as though I was defying the very nature of our society in order to let go of the part of my personality that was so strongly defined by that society. I had all these programs running in my mind that were only serving to keep me tied to a specific label or to put me inside a specific box. The labels and boxes needed to be removed so that I could see the true, incredibly grand scale of all that is and how everything flows together. I began to have experiences that gave my temporal mind some sense of scale, a sense of the grandness of it all.
In one particular experience, I was driving along the road when a visual comparison started to unfold in my head. I saw an ant walking along the side of the road and as my car passed it, I saw the immense difference in size between an ant and my car. Then I heard, "You feel like you're so very big, driving you big car down this big road. But how big are you when looking at the Earth from outside it's atmosphere?"
I was watching my car from above driving along when suddenly my view was pulled back to where I was looking at the Earth. I said to myself, "Wow, I'm not very big at all. Look at the size of that huge planet. I can't even see me anymore."
Then my view pulled back even more to where I was looking at the Milky Way. And I thought, "Wow, the Earth really isn't very big at all. You can't even see it."
My view pulled back further until I could see the Milky Way placed next to a much larger galaxy. And I thought, "Wow, the milky way really isn't that big at all. You can barely see it."
I was pulled back further so I could see the large galaxy in relation to the universe in which it rested. I thought, "Wow, that's not very big at all. You can hardly see it."
Then I saw that universe in comparison to the super universe, which holds multiple universes within it. I thought, "Incredible, that's not that big at all. I can barely see it from here."
The point that I came to understand is that everything in our lives that we think to be so important and urgent and massive are really just these tiny, insignificant events. The sheer scale and size of all that is can't really be explained, it can only be experienced. This vision was one of many experiences that I was to have over the next few months to help me gain a better understanding of not only the grand scale of the entirety of existence, but also the grand connection to that existence that is within each of us. And understanding that we are connected to that infinite existence helped me to understand that we are held back only by ourselves, that nothing is impossible unless we tell ourselves it is. Our insistence on telling each other and ourselves exactly what we can and can't do is the only thing keeping us from doing incredible things every day of our lives.
When I say this, I'm not echoing a PSA that tells our kids to stay in school and eat their vegetables and they can be anything. I'm saying something more like, if you want to levitate, you must only believe that it is possible and it will be possible. If you wish to manifest objects or remove an illness or disease from someone, you must only believe that you can. It's not such a crazy idea, when you think about it. At the subatomic level, everything is exactly the same. Energy. It's all energy, whether it's positively, negatively or neutrally charged. So why is it so hard for us to believe that we can use the energy of our minds to manipulate the energy in our world? Each person will have their own answer for this question, but I think the most simple answer is just that we forgot we could.
In the months preceeding this writing, I have had an innumerable amount of meditative experiences that have helped to expand my understanding of all that is, to integrate that understanding into my concept of self, and to give me detailed instructions on how one can take energy and transfer it between worlds, realms, realities and dimensions. Every day has been simultaneously building up another layer to improve myself and destroying an old concept or idea that was keeping me from reaching my higher self. This process has been incredibly unpleasant at times, and others it has been filled with indescribable love and joy.
I have been given constant reinforcement and direction in my path. Each day a new lesson or obstacle has been presented to me for me to overcome and become more. I've received detailed instructions on how the money is to be handled once it is in my possession, how to disburse the funds, who will receive money and how much. I've been told what I am allowed to purchase and what I'm not. I've been presented with many opportunities in which I am being asked to invest money and time. Each day, it seems like there's another individual or event that I am being asked to keep in mind for when I am given the money. In the end, very little of this money goes to me, and I really wouldn't have it any other way. My goal in asking for this financial overabundance was to help others. Whatever the situation entails, whether it's eliminating someone's debt or giving someone investment money for an idea that could help to change the very course of humanity, it's all about helping. Since I was a child, I've been upset by those that have so much money and only squander it selfishly. "How amazing would it be if someone truly passionate and committed to helping others were entrusted with this kind of money?" I thought. "Why can't I be given that money? I would love to use it to help others."
I suppose this whole journey is coming from that prayer, and the last year or so has been filled with trials and challenges educating me to make sure that I am trustworthy and capable of selflessly handling this money. Though the road has been difficult at times, thanks to the support of friends and loved ones, I've gotten here finally. I've gone many places in the last few months and learned many amazing things. I've been told for some time now, "The time is now, it is here, it is within you." I have been unsure of exactly what this meant, since I hadn't received anything yet. I would go into deep meditations and ask source if the money was here, and every time I would get this amazing chorus almost singing "YES!" to me excitedly. This was further confusing me, how could it be here and not be here? Then in a flash, I saw replayed before me a number of visions I've had recently. I saw the spirits entering my body on that mountain in Nebaddon and felt Michael putting his hand to my chest as he told me I have everything I require, I saw my new friend made of light as she touched my chest and told me I have everything I require.
I was told, "There is only one last place for you to go before it is finished, and that is within." The angels and energetic beings have asked that I share my story with others, so I have. I pray that it will be benificial in some way to those that might read this. May you always be generous with what you have been entrusted, may you always understand that it does not belong to you, but, like your body, it is only a loan for you to use while you're here. You can't take it with you when you go, so why place such importance on it while you're here? Don't be afraid to do something for someone else without expecting anything in return. Don't be afraid to put the needs of someone else before your own. Don't be afraid to be unconditional love. Above all, like my Luminaria friend told me, be without fear and worry and doubt, for God is always within and without you. Namaste.
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